#meTU will be joining the GKN UK solidarity network contingent to Florence, Italy next month to attend the GKN mass shareholder assembly on 13 October. Our numbers are growing and we are close to 20 delegates. Below is the latest video update.
There’s still time to join our contingent and witness the most important grassroots, community struggle taking place at the moment.
We have trade unionists representing education, transport, public sector, aviation, rider industry, construction, environmental campaigners, food growers and artists. We’ve had some fantastic screen showings and we thank all our supporters for their work.
Why it’s important
Our internal trade union structures are devoid of solidarity towards our fellow workers. We are so used to top down power cliques that we can forget that alternative ways are possible. We are going over to learn and to bring that spirit back to the UK.
In 1976 US Aerospace workers produced the Lucas Plan. Organised as a combine, they published an alternative plan in reaction to thousands of job cuts. The workers argued for their right to develop socially useful products. It was an attempt at workers control over production.
However, in 2024 private sector dominance over industry has only increased, and with added bail outs from governments’. Mass jobs cuts at Port Talbot and Grangemouth loom over those communities. Our movement in general suffers from a lack of imagination, courage and politics to take the necessary steps towards seriously advocating for, and organising workers control over the means of production.
What the collective in Florence has done is take an alternative plan further. By being in permanent assembly, a social plan has emerged organically that is ensuring everyone is looking after each other. Non hierarchical horizontal structures operate and we are looking forward to finding out more.
At the time of writing, the GKN workers are €60,000 from reaching their target. Achieving this would place them in a very good position to put forward a credible amount of capital to propose a legitimate alternative production plan, under workers control.
True equality
Their resolve is inspiring. Because they have been well organised historically, making the transition towards permanent assembly seems to have been a natural step and we look forward to spending time with these amazing people.
The only way we can secure a sustainable future is if it is planned. It must be on the basis of mutual aid and community support, respecting our planet: extending our leisure time to allow us to have a life. Big business has failed on all these counts, costing us our health and environment, so we must look to what the GKN workers collective are doing with serious eyes.
In keeping with moving away from fossil fuels and for a sustainable just transition, some of us will be travelling over in an electric car. Better pay and conditions, including more annual leave would mean that these types of travel options could be viable for workers in the future – but we need to fight for this.
How you can help
We also need to raise funds for those who may need to be subsidised and to help pay for the cost of translations. We have had a number of donations from trade union branches and organisations but if you would like to donate, you can find details here.
Consider buying a share and become part of the permanent assembly. Each share costs £500, however one share can be bought as a collective but everyone gets equal status. This way of modelling how a shareholder scheme can work in a non hierarchical way provides us with useful insights we can share with the mutual aid and cooperative movements in this country.
Following our return, you will be able to book a speaker from our contingent and we will be looking at how we can establish our own alternative here.
If you would like to join us please email metuwomen@gmail.com
In other news
#meTU attended the Unite LE128 branch this week. This branch represents full time officers employed by TUC affiliates. We were shocked and dismayed, that despite being members of the branch, the meeting refused to commit to supporting the re-instatement of Darren and Greg, who were unfairly dismissed by the TUC.
This is a case of basic trade union solidarity. It’s a staggering situation that trade union officials, who understand basic employment law and work in the industry, cannot provide support to two workers who have been left for the past two years to fight on their own, including amassing personal debt and health impacts. We thank the one member at the meeting who at least offered an apology, but shame on the meeting for accepting this. .
If you are a Unite LE128 member. make a stand. Stand by your colleagues. Demand their reinstatement and for Unite to pay their legal costs.
A remedy hearing on their case will take place 10-11 October. #meTU will be there in solidarity and support.
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